Why Us?

Check this out to learn more about how we operate at LEFPT!
Evan Jaynes
May 18, 2023
Why Us?

Welcome to Lakeway Elite Fitness Personal Training! We are a small, private gym located in the heart of Lakeway. Here at LEFPT, we take a holistic approach to self-improvement by focusing on physical training, nutrition, and accountability coaching.

First and foremost, our goal with every client that comes in is to progress toward independence in all 3 of the core areas. This means we want you to develop and build these skills to the point where you can flourish on your own and no longer need our guidance. For us, it’s not about trapping you in a pricey contract and doing the bare minimum to support your goals.

If you are a prospective client, we invite you in for a tour of the facility and a one-on-one consult with one of our coaches. In this initial meeting, you can get a feel for the space and the people you’ll be supported by and have the opportunity to discuss your ultimate goals and motivation for wanting to make this crucial step towards bettering yourself. Through this discussion, our team of coaches and nutritionists can curate a personalized plan tailored specifically to your needs and desires. With this process, you will be set up in the best possible way to succeed in reaching your goals and exceeding limits you never thought possible.

Physical Training

Many people looking to lose weight or gain strength will get a gym membership and focus strictly on exercise, wandering aimlessly around a large commercial gym with no idea where to start. Here at LEFPT, we know there’s more to the picture. With a choice of three membership plans, you receive at least a once-weekly training session and open access to the gym on your own time. Through each training session, you will learn more and more about the different techniques and methods of every exercise you’re doing. By understanding the purpose of what you’re doing, you’re more likely to continue showing up and progressing every day. 


This is where our difference comes in. Nutrition is arguably the most crucial element to focus on when seeking a change in your physical and mental well-being. What we eat and how we eat influences our mind and body and how they react to lifestyle factors like amount of activity and rest. Here at LEFPT, we understand this importance; therefore, nutrition plans aren’t just a written program attached to a food logging app, a common complaint we hear from clients coming from past experiences with nutrition “coaching.” As we will emphasize over and over again, our goal is to guide you to independence, so we will walk you through every step of the way by checking in daily and monitoring your logged food, and let you go when you know just as much about what your body needs as we do.


What would all this new information and planning be worth if we didn’t ensure you could implement it into your daily life? Well, it wouldn’t be worth much. This is why we include a focus on learning ways to hold yourself accountable for doing what is best for you. Discipline is the most important manifestations of self-love, and that is why the coaches at LEFPT want to teach you how to keep your own best interests at heart.

We pride ourselves on making genuine connections and want you to feel like you’ve made the right choice in choosing a team to move you toward your goals. Every client works towards achieving independence and the ability to take the knowledge and skills you learn with us and flourish on your own. No binding contracts, gimmicky promotions, or annoying marketing ploys. We want you to want us and be excited to come in every week and work towards becoming a better version of yourself by tapping into all your body is capable of.    

If you want to take the leap and begin the measurable steps towards bettering yourself, schedule a FREE consult on our website and c’mon in! We’d love to have you!

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